Lost my husband.

  • 15 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hello.  I joined here a few short months ago.  My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer last August.  After 6 rounds of chemo, I could see that although the oncologist had told us that all being well he would go on for months and months and months, he was getting worse with the chemo.

He ended up in hospital at the end of March, and I honestly thought the consultant was going to tell me that he couldn't have chemo anymore and we would only get a few more months with him. Not so.  We were eventually told that his organs weren't coping and on March 31 he was put on end of life care and my darling husband of almost 39 years left us at 2.15 am on April 1st.. 

It was a totally unexpected shock.

I doubt I need to tell anyone here how I feel right now.  The funeral isn't until the 18th, such is the wait.

Family have all been beyond fantastic but the cold, empty and alone feeling  - well, I guess that's with me for many months to come. 

Emsar x

  • FormerMember

    Hi  emsar   iam  so  sorry  for  your  loss   my  wife  had  stage  for  bowl   cancer  as  well  its  been  awhile since  came  on  this  site   its  now  2  years  since  my  wife  died   i  just  like  to  tell  you  it  does  get  better ish  take  one  day  at  a  time   take  care   paul

  • FormerMember

    Hello Emsar,

    Our situation is very similar,diagnosis of small cell cancer in the prostate, quite rare, in October 18

    He had chemo , palliative, Jan 2019

    .Admitted to hospital with a temperature , 16th Jan turned to pneumonia and died 19th. we knew he wouldn’t beat the cancer but we all expected a good few months more. You are so right it’s such a total shock ,my family have been fantastic too,but I am so empty and lonely as well.

    I am trying so hard to go walking , accepting invitations from friend to go for coffee etc and have vowed to not turn any invites down,but really all I want is to roll the clock back 12 months and him be alive and well

    Sorry I can’t offer any clever words to help,but want to say all of us on this forum are going trough the same nightmare, let’s hope it will gradually get better

    Thinking of you

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Tkank you Jess.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Lancashirelass.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thinking of you all on this sight 


  • FormerMember

    I’m so sorry for your loss. It must just be so raw at the moment. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    It is. Thank you. x

  • So sorry Emsar

    I am so so sorry that you have found yourself here. The only comfort I can give is that everyone here knows the pain, even if we each do it different ways, none of will ever judge each other.

    Loads of luv and hugs 



  • Hi Lancashirelass1 and everyone else,

    Lancashirelass1, we are in a similar situation. My husband was on Chemotherapy (palliative with the hope that the tumors in his liver might shrink a little) for months when he got the flew and pneumonia and, while he was trying so hard to recover from those two illnesses, he got a number of other infections, we went into hospital on 14th May and he passed away peacefully on 15th May of last year. And, yes, it was a total shock because, yes, we knew it wouldn't be too long now but we didn't think that his death would come so soon. Well, perhaps the doctors had an idea but certainly Paul and I did not and we did not want to know it either, we wanted to keep fighting for him to stay here as long as possible as this was what we were used to: fighting, hoping, more fighting, dreaming, doing...

    I too accept invitations from friends whenever I can, go out every day because when I stay in the house I start feeling quite low, I do as much as I can, not to surpress but to cope. And it is difficult but slowly, very slowly, I am feeling a little bit better again, a little bit lighter, not quite as down.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi, Emsar! I just do not know how to place it into words. So sorry for your loss. Whatever we say, it surely won't take your pain away, but at least you can see people who are trying to understand you and try to be of any support to you, despite you do not know them, and we do not know you. This is what I like in this forum, that you can always get a support from someone, reading a few good words can make you feel better for a moment. Life is not easy at all, full of surprises, good and bad. I found this forum very helpful when I was diagnosed with cancer. I do feel for you and I will be praying for you. God can give you strength to cope with it, and carry on...I know it is not easy, especially when this has happened not long ago. I will keep you in my prayers! God bless!
