Practical issues - funeral grants etc

  • 24 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I was going to post this in the Practical Issues group, but it seemed insensitive as many of the people using that group are poorly people.

My husband died at the end of September and I finally got the Funeral Grant and Bereavement Support Payment forms handed in a week ago. He was only 50 and he died less than 4 months after diagnosis, we hadn't started any funeral insurance plans and had no savings, and were already on disability benefits for long-term conditions before he became ill, so not exactly well-off. I'm only entitled to the Bereavement Support Payment because he got NI contributions for being my carer - to be honest I'm not that confident about getting it. So a bill of over £4,000 for a basic funeral is a bit of a worry. DWP have already requested repayment of the PIP they paid to my husband the week after he died.

It appears that all financial support for bereaved wives & families has been cut since April. I'm hoping that the two grants should just about cover most of the costs, and a Macmillan/CAB advisor said I should be entitled to both but does anyone know how long they take to be assessed and paid?

I don't know how patient the funeral director will be, there is nothing on the invoice to say when they want payment by and I don't really want to ask! I had to borrow 1500 deposit so that the funeral could happen but I need to repay it. His family haven't offered to help. I think they assume I can get everything free.

I understand what financially embarrassed means - I feel very embarrassed to be asking this! I hate having to deal with this practical stuff when my brain is just not up for it. Should be trying to sell stuff but I can't face anything.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Daffodil, thank you so much for your help , sending me the website, I shall visit tomorrow. ,too late tonight. Meanwhile take care ,

    I am glad I found myself in here,

    best wishes


  • I'm pleased about that, then. In the past, I never thought I would use online forums ( mind you, in the past, I never thought my husband would die of cancer), but I am finding everyone on here so supportive. And it does make you realise that you're not the only one going through this. Praying your day brings you at least some moments of peace and hope. x

  • So sorry for your loss. I soon will be in the same boat. Waiting on higher pip and grant, only officially diagnosed 6 weeks ago and at home now with all the family and palliative care. It is such a worryFrowning.Broken heartBroken heart

  • Auntyma, so sorry to hear of all the hassle you are going through on top of your recent loss.

    I went to an independent family run business rather than the bigger high street funeral directors.  My husband's funeral cost £3k which included 2 black limos as well as the hearse. They were SO helpful, friendly and caring and my husband had a dignified funeral worthy of royalty.

    I only received an invoice after I rang them up pestering that I wanted to get their payment sorted. I never paid a penny until 3 weeks after the funeral when they finally invoiced me.  Not due to incompetence on their part but just a non pressured approach at a time of emotional stress.

    DWP sorted my paperwork immediately and I received a grant within 6 days of submitting the correct form. Maybe I was just lucky, especially as it was during pandemic but I presumed bereavement forms took priority.

    I would double check that you have applied for all possible widow grants and help towards costs. Contact the CAB or DWP information to ask for clarification and be prepared to appeal and ask them to look at your application again.

    All the paperwork is a nightmare but my best advice is to buy a notebook and keep details of all letters, forms, phone calls, emails..write down dates, who you spoke to and advice given by every company you need to contact.   It's amazing how weeks down the track you need to look back and check who said what.

    Write a list of everyone you need to contact from the small stuff like library cards to DWP  and just plod your way through them when you feel ready. 

    Take care to look after yourself and try not to stress yourself over the officialdom and red tape at this awful time of grief and heartache.
