Terrible anxiety

  • 7 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi everyone - My husband passed away from complications due to prostate cancer.  I sold his car recently  and since then I have had the most terrible anxiety - it plays on my mine and I cannot sleep - thinking that I should have kept it as he bought it - I didn't feel this anxiety before I sold it so why do I feel it now? I am on anti-depressants and the doctor wants to me do a blood pressure chart but I feel my blood pressure is too high and she'll put me on extra medications, how do I calm down?

  • Sorry should have written 'mind' not 'mine'

  • So sorry to read your post. Do you have someone to talk to? I think perhaps it’s a ‘normal’ and understandable reaction to what has happened. We sold Dads car after he passed away and he had only just bought the car and only did 100 miles in it. The whole experience was horrible. It’s odd that certain things seem to have such a significance. I hope you are able to find some peace very soon x

  • Thank you so much orange lilly - I'm in tears while I write this - your post was really comforting to me.  I didn't think it would be so traumatic. He had a Mazda which he really loved but we got hit in the back by a lorry and it was written off, so he bought this newer car which he never really drove much - I used to drive it and it always felt too big plus it had a push button start which I never got on with.  I have a little car of my own which I've had for 5 and a half years.  After I sold it I was consumed with guilt which is a normal part of the grieving process but terrible when I couldn't sleep, taking a sleeping tablet to help and it wears off but I'm going back to the Doctors this morning as my blood pressure it really high.  I just need to find some peace with myself. So I know what you're going through - bless your Dad and sending a hug to you xx

  • Hi,

    I am sorry for your loss. Have you tried any natural remedies like meditation, yoga, sport, or walking?

  • Be kind to yourself Haworth. I’m pleased that my reply helped a little bit - sorry I made you cry! I find myself on this forum again as I recently lost my Mum. My Dad passed away almost 11 years ago now and I still really miss him. Both of my parents had cancer and it was very hard to watch them both go through a similar experience. What I’m finding hard at the moment is making decisions with no-one to really ask for advice. I have my husband, lots of friends and some family but it’s not the same to ask them. Especially when it comes to things that  belonged to my parents. We will have my childhood home to deal with at some point in the future and I am sure I feel much the same as you do about the car. I have to keep reminding myself that they are just ‘things’ and that no-one can take your memories away. I am trying very hard to cling onto that and remember the good times. I also talk to anyone who will listen, which certainly helps! I hope your GP was supportive x

  • Thank you.   I've now got a swimming membership so that's helping plus I try to keep busy, and try to eat properly.  Kind regards

  • No worries about the crying - it  helped to release some tension.  I'm so sorry for your loss, your Dad's death must have brought you closer together but it really hits when both parents pass. When my Mum passed in 2008, we still had my Dad to look after but when he went in 2012  I relived my grief over her and my Dad; life felt so empty.  I totally understand about making decisions, it's very hard when you can't make a decision and every decision you make has you feeling doubtful - it's about confidence in ourselves and we will find a way through.  Your point about them being things - material objects -  was a great comfort as you are right - no-one can take away memories.  Glad I went back to doctor who listened and I may go for counselling. Have also got high blood pressure so it's affecting me physically as well as mentally.  So I'm wishing you find peace, remember good times, and take time out to look after yourself. x