Breast cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 11 subscribers

Hi All,

I lost my lovely Mum/best friend to breast cancer before Christmas. I’m just struggling to navigate this life without her.

My Mum was diagnosed 8 weeks prior to her passing with breast cancer which we soon found out had spread through her body, was first seen on her mammogram. 8 weeks to passing is no time at all. I feel so selfishly cheated. I can’t help but feel angry that she was taken from us so suddenly.

I have two young boys that miss their Nanny dearly, they saw her everyday. She was the best Nanny and loved being a Nanny. 

I would appreciate any words, no matter how small. 

  • Hello Jellycat87

    You are so right, 8 weeks is such a short time, it’s natural you feel cheated and angry. Things probably all seem a blur since losing your mum up until now. Now will seem so much more difficult because as time moves on, we are forced to try and see things a little clearer, and this part of your future was not something you chose. You don’t need to find your way on your own, it might help to talk to someone. Do you have a Maggies centre near you, they have people you can speak with, also, the MacMillan site has access to people you can talk to. 
    Getting lots of cuddles from your beautiful boys will help you gain strength while you go through changes that grief brings. It might not seem it right now but you will find your way.

    Love to you and your little boys xx