How much time off work after the death of my mum

  • 12 replies
  • 15 subscribers

I lost my wonderful mum to lung cancer on Sunday. She had suffered terribly in the last 3 weeks and myself and my sisters cared for her. Her funeral isn't until a week on Wednesday and I am really struggling with when I should go back to work? I work as a carer myself caring for elderly residents with dementia . how long did everyone else take off work?

  • Not before the funeral then whenever you feel you can manage it finances permitting, I'm sorry you lost your mumma xx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry for your loss I lost my mom last month its totally life changing, I have found going back to work hard myself, though I'm lucky I work for myself so I can pick and choose what days I do, I hope you have understanding employers behind you xx 

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear of your mums passing. I lost my dad to primary lung cancer and secondary brain cancer on 10th April. My gp originally signed me off with bereavement for 2 weeks then increased it to 4. I cared for my dad allot in the last 2 weeks of his life. We have had the funeral and I picked up his ashes today. I feeleach day gets a bit easier and feel I will be ready to go back to work on the 8th of May. Everyone is different so it would be when you feel ready and I would say don't rush it.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kaymi,

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    With going back to work, it all depends on the individual person but I would advise not to go back before the funeral as from experience its best to let what has happened sink in and give yourself time to grieve. After that, it all depends how you feel and when you feel ready to go back. 

    From the day my Mum passed away to her funeral was 2 weeks and my brother and I both went back to work 3 days after the funeral but I am lucky with my job as I have the option to work from home so I did that for about 6 weeks and then went back to the office after that.

    I hope that has helped you?

    Take care xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi everyone...

    Wish it was in happier circumstances that we are chatting . 

    I went back to work last night , four weeks after my partner passed away . I am a nurse and was really dreading the initial entering the building . Have to say though after the hugs and sympathies only  a couple of tears were shed . 

    Was good for me to get back into that routine again of looking after the sick and dying and was elated when I walked out the door this morning without a hitch so to speak . 

    As everyone has advised it is very different for everyone , so go with how you  are feeling inside and if you feel you will be able to cope then go for it . 

    Much love to everyone xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi I lost my mummy in January and I went Bk to work the same week. It's not everyone's choice and I was warned it was too early but I needed a distraction. I cut my hours down til after her funeral. Still not coping with stuff too scared to call macmillan to talk. Only u know when is the right time xx

  • FormerMember

    I lost my mom to lung cancer 2 weeks ago today, my work were really understanding after the diagnosis and I had quite a bit of time off to care for my mom. Unfortunately the compassionate leave only allowed for 4 days. We have the funeral next week, thankfully I'm being allowed to work from home this week, but I'm kind of dreading going back next week, just feel that I've got to get back in the saddle as it were...

    I've had moments of sobbing, but for the most part I just feel numb, it doesn't feel real. I'm just living each day as it comes, 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Mum died on April 8th, we had the funeral on April 27th and I went back to work on Saturday 29th, exactly 3 weeks after the event.  My work gave a week's paid compassionate leave and then two weeks unpaid leave - I could have had more if I had been able to afford it, I reckon.  They've been very good.

    When my dad died, some years ago, I did the same thing - stayed away until the week after the funeral.  That gave me time to sit down with paperwork and sort out probate, etc.  This kept me busy and meant I wasn't trying to do all of that sort of stuff while I was working, too.  I've just about finished the Inheritance Tax form IHT400 for Mum (not that there's any to pay, as I knew there wouldn't be, but I still had to fill in a total of 13 forms!)  and I'm waiting for only one bit of financial info from a bank now. I think if that was all still to do, I'd be panicking about going back to work!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I had 4 weeks off work GP gave me "bereavement leave" - I needed that time. My lovely mum had multiple myeloma and was on a very poor way - there was no hope - I am relieved for her - devastated for me - it cuts like a knife

  • FormerMember

    Unknown said:

    I lost my wonderful mum to lung cancer on Sunday. She had suffered terribly in the last 3 weeks and myself and my sisters cared for her. Her funeral isn't until a week on Wednesday and I am really struggling with when I should go back to work? I work as a carer myself caring for elderly residents with dementia . how long did everyone else take off work?