
  • Wigs


    I actually fancied something to eat that wasn't plain today. So I bribed my teenagers with a chinese takeaway if they mucked out the duckshed :) It worked! And I ate and felt fine lol!

    Today at work I spent the day preparing for the big open day/1 year anniversary/fund raising event I planned before getting diagnosed. Yeh. I know. I have delegated a lot but had to make sure everyone knew what was happening and when…

  • Did I mention the ducks?


    Well, nice long sleep with no weird dreams, ok, rephrase that, no gory dreams, as mine are always a bit odd, its the nature of dreams isn't it?

    I was rearranging a house with an ex, and setting up a stall selling clothes and food in the market. And why not? :)

    AH yes, ducks. We had 7 to begin with, they were a 'rescue'. They roam freely in my mini field all day, and tucked up in their duck house (which was a present…

  • *waving feebly*


    Good evening guys n gals.

    Woke at 8am, didn't really get sleepy enough to go back to bed, decided to drive out with my 13 yr old and meet a friend for lunch, that exhausted me so had a good 3 hour nap when we got back!

    I am not feeling worse each time after chemo, but I am feleing progressively more knackered! My two days off afterwards MUST be just that, keeping visitors to a minimum and not going anywhere, get…

  • heavy maaaan


    Morning. I am lucky that I have friends to pick Deri up for school when I'm recovering from chemo. But to get up today was an effort! My head and legs feel as though they are made of lead! It was lovely to see people yesterday but I think 3 lots of visitors and going out for lunch just wasn't what I should do! So today I am going to sleep! xx

  • resting and spoiling


    Well, started the day by lying on sofa in PJ's after Deri getting picked up for school, had a nap and then Jo came over and made me coffee, gave me a pecan danish and washed up :))

    Then mum called and said did I fancy lunch out? Ooh yes! So P met us and we ate at the Bear. Yum. Then home for nap before kids arrived home, and A arriving in her new camper van from Hereford to have a catch up.

    She brought a bottle…