*waving feebly*

Less than one minute read time.

Good evening guys n gals.

Woke at 8am, didn't really get sleepy enough to go back to bed, decided to drive out with my 13 yr old and meet a friend for lunch, that exhausted me so had a good 3 hour nap when we got back!

I am not feeling worse each time after chemo, but I am feleing progressively more knackered! My two days off afterwards MUST be just that, keeping visitors to a minimum and not going anywhere, get myself ready for the Monday back at work ... thankfully YOU lovely lot keep me on the sofa with posts happy, sad, supportive or just loopy (no names mentioned *coughs*)



  • FormerMember

    hmmm wondering who you are referring to with the cough... Anyway, you said it and as you are nagging me to take it easy, you have to practise what you preach!! I am amazed you are even thinking about working so please take it easy and rest!! And I think there are 45 pages of warped to keep you amused now and if you finish them, then go back and read my old blogs.. Though not the scary psycho ones... That should keep you going till Christmas at least... so I don't want to see you off that sofa tomorrow ok?

    Big bug hug cwtches to you

    Little My xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh I don't know really ... ? *grins*

    Yes, my work is now not teaching anymore so can take breaks when I feel like it and go home whenever I want to ... being single mum of three I gotta keep a roof over their heads ya see.. :) ... and all I'm doing tomorrow is driving to mums to eat lunch and then sit on a sofa again, PROMISE :))

    Huge Bug Big Cwtchs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Really just a drive and eating? Does that mean you have a little fairy doing all your washing, ironing not cooking coz we know your mum does alot of that, sorting out all for the children for school??? If so can you get me a referal for her or him, I'm all into equality lol.  Because if I can get one for cleaning bathrooms I want one too ;)

    Keep those feet up, hugs Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Waving back!  

    Stick with the plan, lots of sofa time - and saying yes to all offers of help you get!

    Take care

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Ah Helen, you are a clever one  ... *grins* ... although the teenagers do help with hoovering and some laundry, I think I'll have to recruit them a lot more, coz that fairy seems to have gone on strike! (((Hugs))) to you too xxx

    Hi Ann - I think I will be making some more phone calls to friends as well as nagging the teens, as it's only now that I'm getting the full Tiredness Effects of chemo, although luckily not getting other side effects. Hope you're feeling ok too... xxx