
1 minute read time.

I actually fancied something to eat that wasn't plain today. So I bribed my teenagers with a chinese takeaway if they mucked out the duckshed :) It worked! And I ate and felt fine lol!

Today at work I spent the day preparing for the big open day/1 year anniversary/fund raising event I planned before getting diagnosed. Yeh. I know. I have delegated a lot but had to make sure everyone knew what was happening and when etc. All done! I also folded 200 raffle tickets ready for the tombola... yes, I KNOW!!

Also - went to see about this wig prescription. Ok, found one very similar to my new hair cut... but so much more of it - I don't know really, but I'll pick it up when it's ready and it can lurk in my room and maybe get worn??

And, lit the first fire of the year in the pot belly stove :) (We have another wood burner in the smaller room so very cosy warm when winter is upon us ;) ), so me and my gals curled up with yummy fast food, fire and crap tv all evening - yay!

So, now I have worked out where my page is on the new look macland, and how to add a new post, I may even find YOUR posts later/tomorrow....................

Love n Hugs to all xxx

  • FormerMember

    Sounds perfect to me.  I'm rubbish when we light our fire  - go straight to sleep.

    If you don't want the wig I could probably get some use out of it (see profile pic) ;)

    I've also struggled with the new set up - couldn't find my Blog so went back through all the old posts and accessed it that way which I'm sure can't be right.  It is actually easier to find yours than mine!!

    Glad you enjoyed the day and good luck with the fund raiser thingy.

    Steve xx

  • FormerMember

    Sounds cosy enjoy xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, well like Steve I found yours and not a lot else so far.....

    Never mind Moomin radar!!!!!! I will be using duck radar to give you a slap.. put your feet up more please. We lit the fire yesterday too and are buried under boxes. Glad you got the ducks done.

    In case I don't find you for a while...

    the biggest bug hugs and cwtches to you

    Little My xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    One of the ladies who works for me has breast cancer, and starts her treatment next week, has been told to get herself a wig. She has gone for a Raquel Welch look, and I laughed because when she told her a couple of the young lads in work they all said who's Raquel Welch? I told them not to look in FHM etc.

    I heard that wigs are expensive, I wonder if me and Steve grow Beards (Steve is considering it) we could donate the hair to you. Hmmm, not sure ginger, grey streaks is really the best look.

    Hope Little My the rain stops for when you move.

    Tim x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Tim. So do i. If it doesn't I'm going round to Cariad's to nick her spotty coat.

    Just want to send you a big hug Ems cos i can't find anyone and I can't write on warped or even get to it... I did a blog tonight if you ever get there or find it. Just wanted to say hi and hope you are ok...

    Biggest bug hugs to you

    Oh and some cwtches too

    Little My xxxxxxx

    ps I would politely decline the offer of the beard if I was you....