Wiener Dogs Make Everything Better

  • Family of cancer patients

    I'm dealing with bereavement of my father from cancer of asophacus my mother is now on oral chemo hiding it and not talking about her problems. How do I approach her.or let her know im here for her.she knows my dad's passing broke me but comb...
  • The C Words

    Cancer. Chemo. Both words cause me an internal spike of fear and negativity. They are just words, but mere words can hold a lot of power over us. I have been treating them like Voldemort and just saying ‘the word that ends in R’ or &l...
  • Tick. Tock. TICK. TOCK.

    I feel like I’m in a James Bond movie and there’s a giant pendulum blade swooping back…and forth…and back…and forth as the countdown to Day One of treatment starts next week. A very helpful member on this forum su...
  • Step one taken. Chemo appointment made.

    Today I conquered my fears and made the treatment appointment (bendamustine one day and rituximab the following day). Next Wednesday. Trying not to freak out. Almost wish it was this week so I can just get it over with.This pic is in our RV. We h...
  • A modicum of privacy, please?!

    I love my husband of 20 years so dearly, but he is very loose lipped about my (MY!) health struggles. I am a fiercely private person. He, on the other hand, feels the need to tell EVERYONE. Every detail. Every everything. He actually gets angry ...