The C Words

1 minute read time.
 Cancer. Chemo. Both words cause me an internal spike of fear and negativity. They are just words, but mere words can hold a lot of power over us. I have been treating them like Voldemort and just saying ‘the word that ends in R’ or ‘the word that ends in O’. I’m thinking I need to just give them fluffy names that do not conjure up all the negative images, implications, and fears. I mean, Kittens and Kool-aid would be fun. But then I would have to keep reminding people what they represent, so the point of renaming them to avoid saying them would be moot. I’m thinking something like Guest and Ozone. C****R is a guest, regardless of whether welcome or not. Time for eviction! And C***O is a scrubber, much like an ozone therapy.

SeVen is a five year old standard dachshund. And he is the absolute KING of throwing a stink-eye! But he loves his mommy and this look was more of a ‘I know I’m on daddy’s chair. You don’t see me.” And his sneaky peek at me told him that I absolutely saw himz. Love that boy to the moon and back!