Tick. Tock. TICK. TOCK.

Less than one minute read time.
 I feel like I’m in a James Bond movie and there’s a giant pendulum blade swooping back…and forth…and back…and forth as the countdown to Day One of treatment starts next week. A very helpful member on this forum suggested that I look at chemo as ‘educated bleach’. It goes in, cleans out the bad, and (hopefully) I’ll have a clean slate to keep healthy after the six treatments. I’m not a fan of bleach, so I’ll change that to ‘educated hydrogen peroxide’.

This little sweetheart is our old lady. Allison is a 14yr old, longhair, English cream dachshund. Allison has no teeth, as, she had a horrible mouth disease that was rotting both her upper and lower jaw. Damn the puppy mills!! Anyway, we chased the mouth problems for 18months and the vet’s final suggestion sounded extreme to me…pull all of her teeth. I didn’t think it would work, but am thrilled to report that it has worked like a charm and she’s had zero problems over the last ten years! Teeth? Who needs teeth? Not my beautiful little Allison!