A modicum of privacy, please?!

1 minute read time.
I love my husband of 20 years so dearly, but he is very loose lipped about my (MY!) health struggles. I am a fiercely private person. He, on the other hand, feels the need to tell EVERYONE. Every detail. Every everything. He actually gets angry at me that I dont want to tell people. “They love you. And they want to support you. I just dont understand you.” So, I have come to terms that HE needs the support. Because this is just as scary for him as it is for me. I did tell him that he does NOT need to tell everyone every friggin detail when I start chemo. Seriously. I am going to lose my $#@% if people start calling after my first treatment to get details. Am I being unreasonable? I’ve tried to give him some patience and leeway with his need for support. But the intimate details of what I will be experiencing next are so so personal. I would estimate that 50+ people all knew I had a biopsy before we even had the results. Why not wait until after the results to tell people. Just breathe. Ok, I’m back. Honestly, it’s the stigma. I’m always going to be asked, “How are you feeling?” Not, “Hey, how are the kids? How are the dogs? How’s the garden? How’s work?” It’s forever going to be, “Hey, sick girl, is your cancer back?” Yeah. Not in so many words. But I am marked for life. I hate being that person. I’m proud. I’m private. And I am surprisingly healthy except for this little hiccup that I need to get over. I am on zero meds. I eat all organic. No pop. No alcohol. I take a boatload of supplements. I’m the healthiest sick person I know! LOL
This extraordinarily handsome fellow is Raine. He’s a red standard smooth dachshund. FYI - most Americans have miniature dachshunds. A standard is BIG and quite a rare sight. My two big boys are 35lbs each (16kg?) Ok, time for a brag moment. Raine’s daddy showed at Westminster Sunglasses