Who’s idea was this?

  • Chemo 4 PTD

    I Just had my 4th round of chemo two days ago, this one is PTD so side effects to be expected, don’t seem to have any sickness or the other SE I had with EC. Yesterday I had a lot of energy and still seem to have quite a bit, I think it&r...
  • Chemo Cycles 1-3 EC

    15/11/21 - I start chemo tomorrow so a bit stressed about how I’m going to be able to help my family with things for my mum if I end up taking unwell but I guess we will see how it goes and take it one day at a time. Silver lining is that I&rsq...
  • Losing Mum

    I lost my mum the day after my first chemo 16/11/21, there’s never a good time to lose someone but I feel like this really is the worst possible time! She was in a come for 30 days prior because she had an aneurism at work on the 16/10/21, I re...
  • Diagnosis

    Hey, I’m Kirsty and I’m 26 years old and recently diagnosed with invasive breast cancer (stage 2, grade 3, HER2 +, with medullary features<whatever that means) trying to be super positive and kick cancers ass!  I found a...