Who’s idea was this?

  • tamoxifen, phesgo, zomita & zoladex

    The treatments I still continue to get are: Zoladex injection in the stomach once every 4 weeks to put me into a menopausal state as i believe all the other things below work better on menopausal women. I get hot flushes and night sweats from this. O...
  • Radiotherapy

    I had 15 sessions of radio therapy (mon-Fri for 3 weeks) and then i got to ring the bell at the end! which was actually a really nice feeling and made at least some of it worth it I didn't find radio too bad really i did start to get tired by the...
  • Surgery

    25/4/22 finally surgery day has rolled around and thankfully not delayed (too much) by getting covid. Me and my partner went in at 8 am and thankfully because they couldn’t test be for covid since I’d just had it I got to go straight to t...
  • in between chemo and surgery

    Little update of between chemo and surgery first: So my last chemo was 3/3/22 (I had 6 in total), I got some scans on 16/3/22 to check how chemo had done and got told similar results to my half way they thought maybe only 2 lymph nodes involved now (...
  • Chemo 5 & 6

    Writing this way after the fact so hopefully haven’t forgot anything: chemos 5&6 we’re just the same as 4, not sick like the first three more just joint pain and back pain but the pain killers helped. I definitely got a high from the...