Chemo 4 PTD

1 minute read time.

I Just had my 4th round of chemo two days ago, this one is PTD so side effects to be expected, don’t seem to have any sickness or the other SE I had with EC.

Yesterday I had a lot of energy and still seem to have quite a bit, I think it’s from the steroids but i haven't had to take any since last night. I am quite sore today, back, knees and most places tbh, it’s not unbearable yet but going to call to see if I can get some pain killers as they said I would likely need them.

I’m also doing these injections into my belly for 7 days (not a fan of needles so that’s quite nerve wracking) but managed two so far, but got told these also have SE of joint pain, double dose of it.. yay !

I got some good results the other day from my half way scans tho.. once they finally got booked, they some how got missed so ended up doing the MUGA 30mins before my chemo. anyway the results, so the lymph nodes have reduced by 50% and the tumour by 75% so only 1cm in size now! I knew the lump in my breast had reduced a lot as I could no longer feel if but knowing it’s working on the lymph nodes too was amazing news. The ultrasound and mammogram that I got these results from was actually on my mums birthday.. weird how the days always land on something important, maybe my half way scans got missed so she could be with me? Well either way I think it brought me luck. 

hope everyone’s keeping healthy and safe and kicking ass! 
