tamoxifen, phesgo, zomita & zoladex

1 minute read time.

The treatments I still continue to get are:

Zoladex injection in the stomach once every 4 weeks to put me into a menopausal state as i believe all the other things below work better on menopausal women. I get hot flushes and night sweats from this. Oh and a good tip, make sure they spray the injection site with the freezy stuff before doing it, i didn't get this the first few times and it was AGONY!! but its not so bad now. 

Zomita via cannula every 6 months which i believe is for bone protection. i cant say get any side effects from this 

Phesgo which is because i am HER2+ and this is an injection in the lg which takes about 5mins as they do ti slowly every 3 weeks - i get a small lump on the day of and its tender for a couple days but otherwise no side effects really 

and lastly the Tamoxifen tablet which i need to take once a day for the next 10 years, im only about 45days in so i don't think I've had too many side effects, just a bit moody/sad but with everything that's happened it maybe is just how I'm feeling. I have also gotten a twitchy eye which i hate but its not happened for a couple of days so maybe my body is getting used to the tablets, i know that its early days and more might come as the estrogen leaves my body but hopefully not, i will keep you up dated

I'm not sure i will actually take the Tamoxifen for the full 10 years, i had hoped to have kids at some point, if that's still possible after chemo etc. so i will just see how the side effects are and if they aren't too bad i might even go back on tamoxifen after trying for a baby, but i need to be on them for two years at least is what the Oncologist said and also stop them for i think 6-12 months before trying as the drug isn't good for baby's but i've got a couple years before i can think about that. 

as always stay positive and kick cancers as <3 xoxox
