Betrayed by my boobies

  • Cannula counting

    This is my timeline of appointments. And cannulas. This seems to involve a lot of cannulas. And blood tests.

    24 October: GP

    31 October: Clinic. Biopsies.

    15 November: Clinic. Results. Bloods: 1

    22 November: Oncology consultant. Bloods: 2

    24 November: CT scan. Cannula count: 1

    28 November: MRI scan. Cannula count: 2

    2 December: Chemo preassessment. Bloods: 3

    6 December: FEC1. Cannula count: 3


  • If I die (a letter)

    If I die, suddenly, from an infection I can't fight, from a reaction to something I have to take, from a general anaesthetic or from being run over by a bus, I want you to know this.

    I love you. You are part of me and I am part of you. Even as you grow and the tie between us becomes longer, our bond will still be there. You grew in my tummy, you flourished on the milk from the boobies that have now gone wrong, and…

  • What's the worst that could happen?

    I wrote this last week, when I'd just had a call from the unit about an appointment I wasn't expecting. It really helped me to put it down on (virtual) paper, but I didn't feel I could post it until I knew the answer. I now know the answer, so here goes

    Tuesday 13 December
    LondonLass suggested thinking through (sensible) worst case scenarios, so that you are prepared and anything less is a relief rather…
  • Eating ginger nuts at midnight

    Well, that was eventful. I really am a 'sicky' person.

    12 hours after my first (uneventful) FEC, I am back in hospital being hooked up to a drip and given IV anti-sickness medication. Over the course of the day, they fill me with a bag of fluid, another IV antisickness, two antisickness injections, and some tablets. I can barely eat and I know I am in trouble when the nurse insists on NHS-approved high-calorie…

  • Waiting...

    The waiting is horrible
    Waiting... for the breast clinic appointment
    Waiting... for the results
    Waiting... to see the oncologist
    Waiting... for the scans

    Waiting... to start treatment
    Waiting... for the scan results

    The wait for treatment is almost over. Chemo begins tomorrow. 

    The wait for scan results continues. HER2 and PR status still unknown. Would they make a difference…