If I die (a letter)

1 minute read time.

If I die, suddenly, from an infection I can't fight, from a reaction to something I have to take, from a general anaesthetic or from being run over by a bus, I want you to know this.

I love you. You are part of me and I am part of you. Even as you grow and the tie between us becomes longer, our bond will still be there. You grew in my tummy, you flourished on the milk from the boobies that have now gone wrong, and you made me into a mum. I let you sleep in my bed, because one day I know you will not want to, because you are your own person. And because I love to know that you are safe in the night.

I am so proud of you, you are so careful, kind and caring when I am not feeling well, you are helpful and loving and your excitement about the world fills me with happiness. You make me proud as you learn and grow, when you produce a piece of art that surprises me, when you 'get' a tricky maths problem, when you become suddenly fascinated by Romans or Ancient Egypt or rockpools, when you want to run with me, or ride our bikes, and when you read me a story and I can see how far you have come and how your abilities have grown.

Carry on making me proud, making me smile inside and out, and making me want to hug you forever.
