Rucaparib diary

  • Numbers on track


    Last week I got the results of mid- December's blood tests. The highlight was the CA125. It started at around 580 back in November. Two weeks later it was down to 470 or so. A month later and it was around 230. I think this constitutes a trend and one that would indicate the Rucaparib is working. Hurray! It will need confirmation with a scan and I'll have one in the next couple of weeks. My consultant said this may…

  • It's all a matter of trust


    Here I am at the six week mark and it feels like I am beginning to come through the worst of the early stages of this drug. The wisdom from women and doctors who have used Rucaparib is that the first four to six weeks can be tough but then things start to ease. And six weeks in I am finally beginning to feel a bit better. It's like the very heavy weight I was under has been lifted. I am still tired but not right down…

  • Looking for the light


    I'm now one month in and, if the general consensus is to be believed, the fatigue and nausea should soon start to lift. I'm searching for the light at the end of the tunnel because after a month of feeling ill everyday I am beginning to tire of this. 

    I saw the docs last week - a very nice registrar who said he'd not seen anyone on Rucaparib hammered with fatigue quite so hard. If the onset had not coincided…

  • Two steps forward


    I'm two and a half weeks in and at the start of the weekend I began to feel as though I'd turned a corner. The freshly-run-over-by-a-bus feeling was markedly reduced and my husband and the kids said I looked better. Well hurrah. 

    But it's often two steps forward and one step back with cancer treatment.  Come Sunday evening and I was back under the duvet. Today's another sofa day - a disappointment as I'd hoped…

  • It's working!


    I saw my consultant yesterday for a routine review and to do some bloods. She called with results this morning. Great news - my CA125 (a blood protein that goes up as the cancer grows and down as it shrinks) has gone from 580 as we started the treatment to 470 two weeks later. In other words it looks as though the Rucaparib is working. Hurray! There's no evidence of anaemia - another established side effect - although…