Numbers on track

1 minute read time.

Last week I got the results of mid- December's blood tests. The highlight was the CA125. It started at around 580 back in November. Two weeks later it was down to 470 or so. A month later and it was around 230. I think this constitutes a trend and one that would indicate the Rucaparib is working. Hurray! It will need confirmation with a scan and I'll have one in the next couple of weeks. My consultant said this may be too early as it can take 4-5 months to see the tumours shrink. But she'd like to have a look anyway.  I will have to manage my expectations. 

Meantime the side effects continue, with fatigue, nausea and that horrid taste in my mouth. This last effect I have had throughout and it's pretty grim. My consultant said it will recede, which was a relief. I have felt over the  last two weeke as though I was coming out the other side but this weekend has seen me back on the sofa. It's often how things go. Two steps forward and one step backwards. The good news about the ca125 helps it feel more bearable though. I need to measure progress in small steps. I did manage to walk to town on Saturday and the week before I got out to Knole park for a short walk. That was unimaginable back in late November.  
