It's all a matter of trust

1 minute read time.

Here I am at the six week mark and it feels like I am beginning to come through the worst of the early stages of this drug. The wisdom from women and doctors who have used Rucaparib is that the first four to six weeks can be tough but then things start to ease. And six weeks in I am finally beginning to feel a bit better. It's like the very heavy weight I was under has been lifted. I am still tired but not right down to my bones. I still need a sleep in the day and could not contemplate working but I can manage a slow swim. I am not ready to walk back out to the Kent Hills yet but I can do an able along the Medway where it's flat. It is a huge relief. Certainly some of this improvement is down to me managing my energy and accepting the limitations imposed by the fatigue but there's more to it. A little part of me hopes that the reduction in fatigue reflects not just my body becoming accustomed to the drug but also a reduction in the tumours. Now that would be a real cause for joy. 

Next appointment is January 10th when I will find out what my CA125 is doing. I had a blood test a month ago but have not heard back about that so I am hoping no news is good news and that it's down even further

  • Hi Daloni. Pleased to read you are feeling a bit better. Hope this is the start of improvements that will continue for a long, long time and you get good news on 10th.  Love and best wishes. Ann xx

  • Hi Daloni I'm so pleased to read you are feeling better and a less tired . I read an earlier blog you had written last night my heart went out to you and as I nodded off to sleep I was wishing you well and sending you warm and well vibrations ..then just now I came across your latest blog which is lovely news .. we will speak sometime soon probably as I'm picking your brains with more of my quandaries and dramas thanks for all your endless support to us all
