From doctors ,diagnosis up to date

  • Brief update

    Hello to anyone interested, I've had nothing major to say on my recovery recently. After Ivor Lewis procedure on 3rd October, discharged on 15th October first two weeks eating was going well then at end of October started to get swallowing difficulties. I phoned hospital and was told that it was part of the healing process and too soon after the surgery to do anything. Had my follow up appointment with consultant surgeon…

  • Oesophageal cancer let the battle commence

    Continuing with the story,when I was transferred to the new ward I was on a few drips one being a nutrition drip. The wards were quite possessive of their equipment and the nutrition bag was shut off while it was transferred to the new ward's pump and stand, same with the morphine. The alarm to alert the staff that there was a flow problem went off on both pumps a couple of times and a nurse came in and hit the snooze…

  • The begining

    I started having problems swallowing some foods probably in January,February this year so just avoided them. Being self employed it was easy to convince myself and my wife that I was too busy to take time off to go to the doctors. As swallowing became more difficult and the weight loss too obvious I finally went in mid May. When I told the doctor my symptoms he said that it was just down to my age (57). He started to…