It's the little things

1 minute read time.

Today has been hard, but the feeding tube is now in! They took Ned down to have the procedure this morning after quite a gruelling, 1 hour, ordeal of trying to get a tube through his nose and down his throat past the tumour. When he got back to the ward he was really upset. The tube was put in under local anaesthetic, and he felt a lot of what happened. It really scared him, and he was very shook up when he came back. There wasn't much I could do except hold his hand and tell him how proud I am of him. I'm not really sure it helped any... but it was all I could offer.

His Mum and Dad came to visit him this afternoon. They have been beyond worried and I wanted them to be the first to come see him after his procedure so that they could see he is okay.They have asked a few times if there is anything they can get for him, so I suggested some new pyjamas as he is spending all his time in them at the moment. They really came through, we are a little bit geeky and so they bought him star wars pyjamas and muppets pyjamas (yes, a 30 year old man). I made sure to let them know how appreciated that was, he will be the snazziest dressed guy on the ward.

I had a message from him half an hour ago (about 10pm) saying that he had been allowed to drink water again after being nil by mouth since midnight. He said it was "like Christmas", which has made me smile before bedtime. It's very strange going to bed without him next to me, so it's really great that we can text. It's times like this that you really appreciate these little things that make such a big difference.
