Family, friends and work

1 minute read time.

Friends and family... they are wonderful. They have really kept us sane these last few days and I wanted to share that. We have had visits and messages. As well as the constant natter of all our friends on WhatsApp, a friend who lives far away sent Ned a hat for when his hair starts to thin. Neds work friends sent him a parcel containing a little model to build and paint (a hobby of his). My brother bought him the latest issue of Viz, but he had to put that down because it was making him laugh and it hurt! My mum has been making custard treats for Ned, and has even told me to drop off my washing tomorrow and she will do it! I feel very lucky for this fantastic support network, and I know that it's going to make the next few months easier.

Ned has been feeling a bit better over the last two days, the feeding tube has made a big difference for him and he even went for a little walk round the ward today. I have been staying with him all day whilst he is in hospital, I just can't bear to leave him in there alone at the moment. We usually just sit quietly and watch TV together, but that feels perfect. I can't wait to get him home tomorrow if all goes well, but I'm still a little nervous about being responsible for that feeding tube.

I've started to worry a bit about work over the weekend. I have had the last week or so off work and my manager is really great; she has told me not to worry. But I know I can't just have they next few months off to care for Ned, so I need to start thinking practically. The thought of leaving him at the moment though, or even letting him got to his hospital appointments without me... it's unbearable. I'm not really sure what to do. I will need to give them a call tomorrow regardless to update them, let them know what I plan to do this week, I will have to have a good think about how we are going to manage this.
