I thought life began at 40??......

  • dealing with diagnosis....


    after having a really ruff summer last year i finally got the appointment at the hospital that i had waited 2 weeks for.a horrid time of not knowing what was going to happen.

     she looks she feels..... she says ill send you for a mamagram and that may be followed by a biopsy...it all happened very fast.

    mammogram done biopsy done it was all very frightening and then an aganising week wait.

    11th of November 2015.."hello…

  • the end of the summer holidays and the start of my life changing forever.....


    the holidays where over and the boy was back to school....

    still feeling not right i caried on with normal life as best i could and got myself to the doctors,

    explainned how i felt and he said "your suffering from anxioty some kind of breakdown" here he said try these anti depresants and see how you go.

    so off i went and yes i tried the tablets but they didn't seem to take away the horible anxious feeling i…

  • 10 months on......


    ok so it's 4am and I'm wide awake AGAIN!......

    I'm now 10 months on from the dreaded day i found out that i had been blessed with breast cancer stage 3,

    that day will stay with me for as long as i live.....

    i'm a single mum of a beautiful little boy age 6,at the time of diagnosis he was 5.

    as all mums i used to be attacking daily life at 100 miles an hour,always in a hurry...always on to the next thing…