10 months on......

3 minute read time.

ok so it's 4am and I'm wide awake AGAIN!......

I'm now 10 months on from the dreaded day i found out that i had been blessed with breast cancer stage 3,

that day will stay with me for as long as i live.....

i'm a single mum of a beautiful little boy age 6,at the time of diagnosis he was 5.

as all mums i used to be attacking daily life at 100 miles an hour,always in a hurry...always on to the next thing...but was starting to find things difficult and was getting tired very easily, more than ever!

the summer of last year started in a relationship with a man that i met in the February and totally fell in love with.

i didn't think it was posible to be that happy!

the sun was getting warm and we where out and about me and my little boy,going to the park,walks across the meadows and it was nice to feel the warm sun on my skin.

the boyfriend had a busy socioal life and i found it hard that he spent a lot of time at the weekends forfilling his hobbie with his mates.

i started to find it difficult...like really difficult...i was getting upset very easy and almost fainted one day when he said" i won't come round tomorrow night as i'v seen you tonight"..the color drainned from my face....i litrully nearly fell on the floor! it wasn't normal to feel like that and i could see he was looking at me almost thinking..."gees i only told her i won't see her tomorrow night!!!!!",

i was feeling very anxious....in fact nothing at all was feeling right!

we then got to June.....yay!!!!! my birthday was just around the corner!!!! THE BIG 40!!!!,i was startting to feel excitted ;) there i was about to turn 40 an amazing little boy and had met the man of my dreams,life felt good :)

had a great few days and i was spoilt rotten ,bunches of flowers,beautiful presents,meals out,girlfriends popping in and genrally enjoying nice times.

we then get close to school being out.........lovely 6 weeks with my boy and yes the holidays started great.

i chucked myself full forse in to it and made loads of plans to do lots of things with friends and there children and just stuff with me and my boy.

one of the first days we spent down the meadows feeding the ducks and looking around my old childhood hunts,it was a beautiful warm sunny day and life felt pretty ok.

a few days after that i was cutting my friends hair and some how took a massive chunk out of my finger with my brand new scissors i had brought with my birthday money,massive fail!!!!!! stuffed me right up.

rushed down to the doctors and plaster strips where applied.

not the best day.....

for some reason though i didn't deal with this very well! i seem to be more wet and perthetic than ever!

we where moving on with the holidays regardless of my blondness and the finger slowly got better.

things inside me didn't seem to get better though....i was feeling emotional,much more emotional than ever,i was getting upset about the small things and also missing the fact my mum wasn't around and feeling "i wish i had a mum right by my side",

(i do have a mum but we don't have the best relationship,and she doesn't live around here)

the summer holidays where coming to an end and it was time to start getting things ready for going back to school.

me and the boyfriend had a massive bust up.

it was done he left me :(

i think he had had enough.....

he wasn't copping with me,i was driving him crazy with the way i was and the fact i couldn't seem to control my emotions.

hhhhhmmmmmmmmmm something very strange was happening to me.

right time to get back to sleep as its starting to get light and little man will be in soon asking for breakfast and wanting me to listen to his tracktor game.

  • FormerMember

    Hi lozzab! I'm so sorry to hear about the problems you're experiencing. It has been such a tough year for you. I hear your pain - I was diagnosed back in February with Stage 3 HER2 positive breast cancer. The sleep is especially tough as I rarely seem to get into a deep sleep and wake up feeling exhausted. My son is 10 and we've had our challenges with him in different ways. What support network do you have? I am very fortunate to have my husband and I have had an incredible amount of support from friends. Without them I would've lost it months ago! My advice would be to speak to your BCN about support groups near you that you can go to whilst your son is at school. Try to find ways to relax - I love colouring, reading and having a catch up with friends. Perhaps a little walk for even 15 minutes can help. There may be some things you can do to help in your bedroom such as lavender oil from Boots. Every time you are having a tough time, picture your boy in your head or have a cuddle with him if you are together. Kids are a great leveller and help you find pleasure in the small things. Good luck! Lumpy007 xxx

  • FormerMember

    HI there thank you for your lovely message!

    That really was just the start of my gurney.it did change a lot.

    I thought I would just do a few blogs to the present day,

    Bless you.

    I do have lots of friends and I have my amazing dad.

    I'm not really one for groups but I'm loveing this site because it makes me feel like I belong.

    Iv not written about my cancer or really talked about it untill now.xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so pleased you have lots of friends and your dad to support you. I'm with you on the group thing. I have so many friends that I feel lucky not to need the group support. It is nice to know that our journey, whilst personal to us, is supported by others going through it too so we can share our feelings. I have to start Herceptin, physio, hormone treatment and radiotherapy all in the next few weeks so it will be tough! Roll on Christmas!!! I hope your treatment is working well for you. Good luck xxx

  • FormerMember

    bless you,

    i started my herceptin in may this year along side my 5th chemo,

    i didn't have any problems at the start but now it is effecting my heart on the left side,the function.

    very frightening as i have done so well with everything els it has set me back a bit and made me very aware of what I'm doing now.i was lucky i didn't have to have the hormoan treatment because i am sucksesfully in the menopause but have to have a blood test again soon to make sure the levels don't rise,

    iv been put on tamoxifen now which i will be on for 10 years and have no problems with them at all.just slightly achy legs at times but nothing i can't handle.

    my radiation starts on monday for 3 weeks,I'm feeling very frightened and not looking forward to it one bit!!!!

    im also having physio for my arm,its starting to get tight now so I'm working really hard on it.

    did you have a mastectomy? i did and also all my lymph nodes stripped from under my arm.it gets very painful at times but I'm learning to live with it day to day now.xxxxxxx