Thyroid Cancer Journey

  • Home!


    This has been the hardest part.

    Since moving and attempting to settle here has been so difficult. There's been problems with the car too which doesn't help.

    My symptoms are worse than ever and I am struggling to get through the day. I am exhausted as soon as I wake up. I feel sick and bloated and just so rubbish. I cry constantly and just feel so hopeless. I know it will get better but it just feels to overwhelming…

  • Completion Thyroidectomy


    Surgery Take Two

    Same old. Hospital at 7am, gown and meeting with my surgeon. This time i was in the anaesthetic room by 8.30, not that this helped at all. Panic set in, and I had a mini tantrum in all honesty. They decided to use the gas mask this time before placing the cannula (three attempts at insertion judging by the puncture marks on my arms).

    Came round from the op around 3 hours later, morphined up and was take…

  • Diagnosis Day!


    After finishing work, I went along to the hospital for my results. In all honesty, part of me knew what the outcome was going to be, given the severity of my symptoms and the size of the lump.

    I walked into the consultant's office and there was another nurse in there but wearing purple. Her id badge was in a Macmillan clip and I knew immediately that it was some form of cancer. After talking through the next stages (surgery…

  • Right Side Lobectomy!


    Surgery Take One

    In I went, 7am, ready to go. Got into my gown, filled in the forms, had my weight and height done and then the wait began. A long, long wait. Until 2.30 that afternoon, by which point I was in tears and starting to panic.

    Into the anaesthetic room and that when it really kicked off, racing heartbeat, hyperventilating and crying like a child. I was frankly terrified. Not one part of me wanted it to happen…

  • Biopsy Results!


    So the day rolled around two weeks later for the biopsy results, and this time was slightly better news, but definitely not good news. The sample showed pointers for thyroid cancer, but still no diagnosis, so surgery was the next step.

    Given the size of my lump and the placement, my consultant suggested having it taken out even with a clear biopsy, and now it would definitely have to come out for a full pathology. Surgery…