Completion Thyroidectomy

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Surgery Take Two

Same old. Hospital at 7am, gown and meeting with my surgeon. This time i was in the anaesthetic room by 8.30, not that this helped at all. Panic set in, and I had a mini tantrum in all honesty. They decided to use the gas mask this time before placing the cannula (three attempts at insertion judging by the puncture marks on my arms).

Came round from the op around 3 hours later, morphined up and was take to the ward. Much better this time, appetite and voice too! spent the day with Fraser and Mum eating mashmallows, and it then came time for sleep.

Woken up at 12.30am for bloods, all fine, seemed as if my dodgy veins were playing nice for once.

However, next morning, it took 3 people 7 attempts to get any sample. So after a big cry, and a long wait for results, I was allowed to go home.

Time for sleep. Moving day was in 4 days, so I had to cram in as much healing as possible before the 90 mile trip home.
