My journey

  • End of term report


    I’ve just had my latest set of scans (CT and MRI) on my bowel and liver.

    And the results are……….(drum roll)… very good.

    The tumours on my bowel and liver have had an excellent response to the chemo and targeted therapy I’ve been on. 4 sessions of Folfox and 9 sessions of Cetuximab. These haven’t been easy but I survived. The side effects have been difficult at times. I developed some…

  • Update on Cetaximab


    I’ve had a bit of a reaction to the new regime of FOLFOX.

    I’ve developed quite bad hand foot syndrome. So bad in fact that I have quite nasty cracks in the skin on the soles of my feet which has meant that anything involving standing up has been incredibly painful. Walking has been a no no!

    It was initially thought that it was a reaction to the cetaximab. This causes the skin on my hands and face to dry up…

  • Not having a good day


    Sorry but just using this as a chance to let off a bit of steam.

    I am so tired! And I've completely lost my sense of taste. Even water tastes odd! Anyone else found that.

    Pins and needles in my hands and feet are really bad. I find it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings sometimes the pain is so bad.

    The only time I seem to get any relief is in a hot bath.

    Keep having to tell myself it could all be a lot wo…

  • Oh, I was in a bad mood!


    I've just reread my post from earlier in the week and I did sound gloomy!

    Well today is certainly another day.

    I've managed a couple of nights sleeping well and feel so much better.

    I had my fourth Cetuximab treatment yesterday. The first thing I'm given is a selection of anti-nausea and painkiller tablets which are fine but quite a few of them. My PICC line is flushed and redressed. They recommend that the…

  • So tired!


    I’ve just finished my last Folfox. Everything seems to have gone ok so far.

    No problems with my PICC line which made the Oxaliplatin infusion much easier. The 5FU pump worked fine and was replaced on schedule on Sunday afternoon.

    However, I am so tired!!

    I felt fine on Monday morning and went into work. I did start to feel tired in the afternoon but this passed. And I slept incredibly well on Monday night.
