VIN III in young adults - diagnosis, treatment + recovery

  • Update on High Grade VIN - After laser surgery


    I haven't posted in a while and I wanted to explain why .... My VIN has fully gone since the laser surgery!

    I had my first laser surgery exactly a year ago and have had no VIN for a year! 

    Even though the surgery was only carried out on a small area, my immune system attacked the whole area that had VIN and the doctor says it has completely gone. I have no lumps, absolutely no marks from surgery (I can't tell where…

  • VIN laser treatment recovery


      It has now been 3 weeks since I had the laser surgery and I wanted to update you on recovery so far. For the first 4 days after surgery the area was completely numb - so going to the loo/walking wasn’t painful at all. Every time I went to the loo I used the shower head to wash down below. I also applied OptiLube (the one with local anaesthetic) three times a day for the first 2 weeks. 

      After the first 4 days…

  • Laser surgery VIN - update on how surgery went!


    So today I had my first treatment for High Grade VIN - Laser surgery. Firstly, if you are having this done do NOT worry - it was absolutely fine!

    I got to the day surgery unit at 7am and I was first in to have surgery (at 8.30am). Firstly I was show to my area with a curtain around it and got into the surgery gown. Following that my consultant who was doing the surgery, as well as the anaesthetist, came and introduced…

  • How I was diagnosed


    So... to say my diagnosis was a smooth process would be entirely incorrect! 

    After my doctor noticed slight lumps down below she (thankfully!) referred me to another doctor who suggested I had a biopsy to rule out the possibility that it could be VIN, a pre-cancerous condition. To me (and my mums!) horror the results came back saying it was High Grade VIN, the most serious form.

    I was incredibly upset and distressed as…