Update on High Grade VIN - After laser surgery

1 minute read time.

I haven't posted in a while and I wanted to explain why .... My VIN has fully gone since the laser surgery!

I had my first laser surgery exactly a year ago and have had no VIN for a year! 

Even though the surgery was only carried out on a small area, my immune system attacked the whole area that had VIN and the doctor says it has completely gone. I have no lumps, absolutely no marks from surgery (I can't tell where they even did it!) and I can have intercourse etc with absolutely no pain or worries. I feel so grateful that my body has removed the VIN but I keep having 6 month checkups with my doctor just incase. I want to say to anyone who is young and in my position that our bodies are amazing at healing, stay positive and you CAN fight it. I now go weeks without thinking about VIN and feel so so grateful. My boyfriend and entire family and friends have been so amazing throughout the process and couldn't have done it without them. 

I will be sure to update again if there are any changes but anyone reading this PLEASE STAY POSITIVE. I found it really hard and had every night sleepless and fearing the absolute worst. Also, DO NOT GOOGLE. It made me overthink and 10x worse so please don't. Every situation is different but so many people come out absolutely fine so do not be scared. I would also say please try laser surgery before allowing a wide local excision or vulvectomy. I was LUCKY that my doctor disagreed with radical surgery so wanted to do laser instead - but it worries me that other doctors make rash decisions and perform radical surgeries before they try the smaller ones first. Make sure you give laser surgery a go, it healed me, the surgery and recover was about 3 weeks and was absolutely fine. If my VIN comes back I would have more sessions of laser surgery but I am positive that it won't. 

Please message me if you have any questions or want any support! 
