Laser surgery VIN - update on how surgery went!

2 minute read time.

So today I had my first treatment for High Grade VIN - Laser surgery. Firstly, if you are having this done do NOT worry - it was absolutely fine!

I got to the day surgery unit at 7am and I was first in to have surgery (at 8.30am). Firstly I was show to my area with a curtain around it and got into the surgery gown. Following that my consultant who was doing the surgery, as well as the anaesthetist, came and introduced themselves and explained exactly what would be happening and answered any questions I had. The anaesthetist was LOVELY as I was very nervous as had never had a general anaesthetic before / am not good with needles! 

Following that at 8.30am I was taken into the anaethatists room to be put to sleep (this was done whilst lying down). I was very nervous about this part and honestly didn't feel the needle going in and drifted off to sleep in about a minute - it was all very relaxing and smooth! 

Next thing I knew I woke up in a recovery room at 10am - I had been in there since 9.30am and was blissfully unaware of what had happened and in no pain or discomfort (they had injected me with local anaesthetic whilst I was asleep). I had a drip in me where firstly they put in paracetamol and then some other liquid - but having it in didn't hurt at all. I then stayed in recovery for half an hour before being moved in my bed back to my area in the hospital where my mum was waiting. 

They made sure I had something to eat and drink and then took me to the loo where they came in with me and helped with that. Because it was all numb I felt no pain but was very nervous to touch the area. A few hours later when they were happy I was in a stable condition I went home. It is now almost 8pm and I am still in no pain at all due to the local anaesthetic and can move around absolutely fine. I'm taking paracetamol and ibuprofen and spray my down below with water after going to the loo to try keep it clean. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about it - I am pleased I had a good experience but am worried about how the pain will be when the local has worn off. 
