Loss and my diagnosis

  • Test results


    And so I received the test results from my scans today along with the results of SLNB and I'm clear! Such a relief from all the worry, know I only have to fight the one area now and it gives me much more focus. Onwards and upwards 

  • First treatment


    I have spent this weekend with dad as he wished to sort through mum's things. It was very tough, but he so wants to move forward. Mum had quite a stash of scarves from her chemotherapy so have kept hold of them. When/if I lose my hair it will be nice to wear them and think of her with me.

    I start my path this week, CT, bone and echo scan tomorrow. Also meeting breast nurse to talk through everything. Fingers crossed…

  • Eventful week


    So the start of my week was finally saying goodbye to mum, funeral was amazing and such a lovely turnout, but so emotional. Family from afar wanted to discuss me and treatment but I wanted to remain focused on mum before I could face my situation. Amazing of them all to be so concerned though.

    Tuesday saw an early start as needed to be at the hospital for 7.30am, after chatting with surgeon and signing all the forms it…

  • Another step forward


    So we saw consultant today, I have grade 2 25mm ductal carcinoma and need to have a sentinel lymph node biopsy Tuesday. So decision made to tell dad and my youngest girls tonight as family coming up over the weekend ahead of mums funeral Monday. Dad took the news better than I expected and it was a huge weight lifted from my shoulders knowing i don't need to hide any longer. There were tears of course and lots of hugs…

  • Where I am today..


    well last week was a blur, mum faced breast cancer 7 years ago and won, only to have it return this year, she was told in July that it had returned and spread to liver, lungs and bones...it was terminal and she had approximately 2 months to live. At only 64 it was a blow, but she battled bravely until she finally lost the fight on 21st December. I cherished the last few months with her, spending every day by her bedside…