Where I am today..

1 minute read time.

well last week was a blur, mum faced breast cancer 7 years ago and won, only to have it return this year, she was told in July that it had returned and spread to liver, lungs and bones...it was terminal and she had approximately 2 months to live. At only 64 it was a blow, but she battled bravely until she finally lost the fight on 21st December. I cherished the last few months with her, spending every day by her bedside, laughing and talking. given mums history I check myself for lumps regularly, and finding a lump at the beginning of November took myself off to the doctor.

i was told not to worry it was a lump but could be nothing and they arranged a hospital appointment for 10th December. I returned on 23rd to get the results and was informed of the diagnosis.

One week on and MRI scan out of the way yesterday, and mums funeral arranged I am finding myself dwelling on next year and my battle. My dad hasn't been told, can't do that to him at the minute and likewise my younger two daughters at only 9 & 12 can't be informed yet. To me that is the hardest part...when do I break it to them...will they feel hurt? 

Worries are also in place financially as i am the main earner and not well off my any stretch of the immagination, are my family to suffer further? 

My husband has been my rock and without him by my side not sure where I would be emotionally at the minute.

so next hurdles are to carry on as normal for the funeral and wait to be advised of the date for surgery...

  • FormerMember


    <p>So sorry to hear off your loss and to found out on top of that you also have cancer must be a double blow.</p>

    <p>I hope that your surgery is soon and that they are able to remove all of it for you xxx</p>

  • FormerMember






    So sorry to hear of your loss. I list my mum at the beginning of October only to find a lump 5 days after the funeral. I was seen 4 November and had a lumpectomy with margins and sentinel node biopsy on 30 November. Luckily it hasn't spread snd the margins are clear.  Unfortunately it's triple negative breast cancer and so I'm to have 6 cycles of FEC-T followed by radiotherapy.  I'm due to see nurse tomorrow and will be given a date for chemotherapy.



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    I hope your date comes quickly for surgery and that they are able to remove it all.  Try and stay positive xxx


  • FormerMember

    <p>thank you for your words of encouragement, mums funeral is 11th, and then I can face telling my dad and younger daughters. Hopefully I will have a surgery date shortly and can start focusing on that then.</p>

  • FormerMember

    <p>HI.  I feel your pain. I lost my sister in sept and 2 months later found out I have cancer of the cervix.  



    Ihaven't told my 2 sons I have cancer  - just that I have problems with my tummy and I need it burning away.  They are 8 &amp; 15. My daughter is 19 and knows but thinks it's not too serious as I have played it down. 





    WE too are worried about money as, like you,  I am the main earner.  My husband is retired. As a self employed person I am entitled to  £73.10 a week. Great! Hopefully I'll be able to get tax credits of some form and a PIP payment  x 



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    My treatment starts today.



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    Good luck with everything x 


  • FormerMember

    <p>Hi Philleepa





    Thanks for your reply, so tough juggling everything isn't it and if you are like me worry about everyone else but yourself. When do you start treatment?
