Breast Cancer, Bikes & Tattoos

  • February 2018 Update


    Latest CT scan (4th) showing continued improvements to lungs and stable sternum & ribs. Finally beginning to believe in the treatment. My arm has flared up again after being better - had an X-ray but not heard more so I guess it's nothing to worry about. Onc has said he will request another mri for my hand but I'm getting used to that. Went to Penny Brohn in Bristol - it was mindblowing. difficult to put into words the…

  • December 2017 Treatment Update


    December 2017 Update, I have had 2 more CT scans since the first one. I am now back on Tamoxifen and also on Goserelin (which apparently helps the Tamoxifen to work), fluid in lung has reduced, bone mets seem stable and they now think liver spots not cancerous. On and off on Denosumab to strengthen my bones, but I keep having to stop as I;m having problems with toothache and one of the side effects of Denosumab is Osteonecrosis…

  • Secondary Diagnosis


    March 2017: Had a cyst removed from my chest because it looked like a third nipple (most disconcerting). A week later I got a call from my GP – turns out it wasn’t a cyst (despite being assured by lady who did my mammogram & ultrasound in January (which I’d asked for because I was concerned about pain in my breast) that it was), the lab found metastatic breast cancer cells.

    Subsequent bone & CT scans…

  • The Tattoos


    As I discovered my new self, I felt accepted into a new community of friends in a way I'd never been before. I soon noticed I was the only one without tattoos so the inevitable happened.

    Still not worked out photo thing...

    TATTOOS: By Steve Kayleigh of Lucky Black in Onslow Road, Southampton

    1)     2009: First one: dragon on my left arm. (right arm no go area due to removal of lymph nodes). Drawn straight onto skin. BRIEF…

  • The bikes


    Part of my new life was rediscovering my love of motorbikes, at the age of 40, I learnt to ride.

    Struggling to add photos, will keep trying...

    May 2009, First Bike: 1992 Honda CG125 named Baby as it was so small next to partner's Moto Guzzi

    A few months later I passed my test, the CG promptly broke on the day I took the L plates off so had to rapidly buy a new one

    November 2009 Second Bike: 1997 Yamaha Fazer 600 originally…