December 2017 Treatment Update

1 minute read time.

December 2017 Update, I have had 2 more CT scans since the first one. I am now back on Tamoxifen and also on Goserelin (which apparently helps the Tamoxifen to work), fluid in lung has reduced, bone mets seem stable and they now think liver spots not cancerous. On and off on Denosumab to strengthen my bones, but I keep having to stop as I;m having problems with toothache and one of the side effects of Denosumab is Osteonecrosis of the jaw, so advised not to take it if having any dental work done.

Seem to have a problem with my right hand - lump has grown on bone of my thumb - oncologists have been saying since september that it's not a cancer problem so needed to get a referral to orthopaedics - that took 3 months to come through (meanwhile right hand not working properly all that time) Orthopaedic consultant looked at Xray, sent me for MRI and has promptly referred me back to oncology which is a little annoying to say the least. Still not able to bend my thumb, there's clearly something growing but all my research does seem to suggest that bone mets in hands is very rare.

I'm still working and in fact this has helped to undo all the stress I had been feeling as suddenly nothing seems that important and I can take time off whenever I need to. I go to reflexology regularly at a local cancer care centre as I find it very relaxing and good to escape. 

I try to be positive but sometimes I get fed up with being in pain - currently: teeth, left arm, sternum/rib, right thumb but am grateful that so far it is just top half of my body. Also I am really lucky that my cancer is one which is responding to hormone treatment.
