Breast Cancer, Bikes & Tattoos

  • May 2018 Update


    So a year on from my first CT scan.

    Starting to believe in life again - strange as it seems I think I wrote myself off and it's been hard to pull myself back to believing life can go on normally.

    Long story about CT results getting lost grrr - tracked down now and getting full report from onc next week but Breast Care Nurse called me to reassure me that it all looks as if continuing in same direction.


  • Penny Brohn


    Was recommended this place by some ladies in my support group. At first I was a bit sceptical as I'm not very comfortable with all that "hippy shit" as I think it. My new found "What harm can it do" attitude, saw me enquiring and booking an Introduction "Living Well with Cancer" residential course.

    I was blown away.

    First, an introductory video featuring proper science with evidence…

  • Books


    Books that I have read (I'll keep updating this list when I find other helpful books):

    Coping Successfully with Chronic Illness by Neville Shone: Quite short but full of real encouragement. Also good advice on breathing and relaxation. Similar to anti cancer below, it's written by someone with personal experience of the issues.

    anti cancer; a new way of life by Dr David Servan-Schreiber: WOW - Everyone should…

  • Complementary therapies and stuff I have tried


    Reflexology at Jane Scarth House: while I'm not 100% convinced of the scientific validity of this, I thought I'd give it a try thinking "what harm can it do?". A few months down the line, I am attending regularly (once a fortnight) and I love it. Whether or not it has any healing powers, I don't know but it is very relaxing, and that in itself helps me to deal with the pain - which is after all its stated objective. Big…

  • More tattoos and faffing with Radioactivity set up


    So, March 2018 update: been devouring cancer advice books. Read Cancer Whisperer by Sophie Sabbage and although as I read it I kept thinking "this is not me", one thing I did get from it was the idea of working out what my one priority is. So just like that I have turned a corner and realised that my priority is to be pain free. So, as a consequence of this decision, I've been to see GP to get some morphine based painkillers…