Richmond Orchestra Play-In Concert

  • All will be OK - she says ...


    At this point I have a bit of an un-nerving feeling, a feeling I think I should be doing more than I am. I am co-organising the Play-In event with another lady from the orchestra, Addy and the Macmillan branch. For my part, things seem to be ticking along nicely but the others in the team have other responsibilities which I am assured are going just as well.

    Perhaps by my nature I have a desire to want to know what's…

  • The glue holding things together


    Our musical thread holding our 24 Feb Play-In concert together has been decided which will be Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.

    The symphony has one of the most well known openings to a symphony, but beyond the first movement, even bars, learning the entire symphony will be new to me (I should add, probably not to the rest of the orchestra who are likely to be more musically knowledgeable than I am).

    Wikipedia isn't known…

  • Raising awareness and dedicating efforts


    In ever admiration of the wonderful work Macmillan Cancer Support do, building up momentum and awareness for our fundraising concert in February 2018 is an ever challenging role to try to raise as much as we can to support their fantastic work.

    I, like probably so many, know of family members and friends affected by cancer and knowing of organisations like Macmillan Cancer Support who dedicate their efforts to bring comfort…

  • Play-In 2018 underway ...


    The Play-In concerts are a great opportunity for Richmond Orchestra to practice fundraising and extending out to the wider Richmond society to raise awareness of Macmillan Cancer Support. We work with Macmillan Cancer Support East Sheen to organise this ambitious and unique event. The Play-In concert is open for anyone to participate and we strongly encourage anyone who has a bucket list item involving performing with…