All will be OK - she says ...

2 minute read time.

At this point I have a bit of an un-nerving feeling, a feeling I think I should be doing more than I am. I am co-organising the Play-In event with another lady from the orchestra, Addy and the Macmillan branch. For my part, things seem to be ticking along nicely but the others in the team have other responsibilities which I am assured are going just as well.

Perhaps by my nature I have a desire to want to know what's going on and when I don't, I have a feeling of being in the dark and find it difficult to believe in the success. Being actively involved, through learning or doing, for me is more therapeutic than being complacent. This is all very well, but doesn't reflect well in a team. We all have equal weights to pull and I need to assure myself that things will all work out and learn to trust.

My responsibility is to manage the event publicity and the second stage of the Play-In publicity has started. Although the Play-In isn't until February, starting the design work now allows enough time for feedback and contributions from the team so that it's ready to print in the new year. When I was asked to work on the Play-In poster designs, I found that my usual approach to design didn't work. I had to really consider the layout and what we included as text without the main message to participate and spontaneity of the event getting lost.

The poster which went to print for the first stage of publicity was I think my fourth design, with each one being vastly different from the previous. It was far from my usual style but other contributing factors had to be prioritised and content was more important, leaving little scope to play with style. It has been a good lesson learned and one I wouldn't have had if I had agreed to help. For the second stage of publicity, poster design should be easier with the amount of text reduced significantly. I'm hoping I can add a bit more of my usual design touch to it and have more fun with the process.

Currently holding on to some comfort from the previous organiser that it will all be Ok and trusting all steps are leading to what will be a brilliant fundraising day in February.

"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." Plato
