Stomach Cancer - My journey

  • Chemo 3 - 111017


    Another false start on Monday.  White blood cells not playing ball again. Two days of self injection and back for another try. Arrived at the hospital at 9am. Being hospitalised again for the chemo due to the adverse effects on my voice last time. Takes a while to get things going.  My oncologist is on holiday so it's a nice young lady doctor taking care of me. Finally got the bloods done and we are good to go. First two…

  • Chemo 2 - Second attempt 250917


    Back in hospital as an outpatient. 9am blood tests taken.  Good news the nurse says we can go ahead. A few minutes later the oncologist comes in to say that my liver levels are a bit high so he's only giving me a half dose of the first drug. The next two drugs go through and everything seems to be fine. I've even eaten the lovely packed lunch that my friend Miranda has made for me. The nurse hooks up the 4th drug which…

  • Chemo 2 - 200917


    Turned up at the hospital at 9am for my second chemo session.  Unfortunately, my leucocytes were too low so they couldn't do it. I got an injection to help increase them and I have to inject myself Thursday and Friday.  Have to go back on Monday so, hopefully, it will be alright then. Feeling quite disappointed. Who'd have thought they'd ever be disappointed about not having a chemo session?  How strange life…

  • First chemo - 120917


    Had my first chemo session. It started on Wednesday 6th Sept. Two days in hospital and it went quite well. No nausea, although they did give me anti-nausea drugs. Came home Friday afternoon, felt quite tired and slept like a log Friday night. A friend popped in to see me Saturday lunchtime and brought some beautiful flowers. After she left I decided to go in for a shower and then the fun started! I  started to feel a…

  • First appointment with the oncologist


    Met with the oncologist today. I really like him. He's German and has a sense of humour.  He spent a lot of time with me even giving his secretary a rollicking because she put two phone calls through to him when he was dealing with me. 

    My ex-husband  (we're still friends) and my friend Kath came with me which was a good support.  The doc said "This is a tough team"! He also said to me "You are tough. You have come…