Stomach Cancer - My journey

  • 080218 - Two down, two to go


    Just completed the second of my post-op chemo sessions. This was the first time that it was done as an outpatient. Mind you, I still spent all day at the hospital on Tuesday. I was there at 8.15 and was finally sent home at 16.15 with a portable pump to dispense the last drug which takes 24 hours. They were rushing to finish and I think they pushed the drugs through a bit fast! The neuropathy in my fingers has been much…

  • 080118 - One month post-op Pathology Report


    It is exactly one month since I lost 80% of my stomach. I've had little blips along the way with eating but usually because I over indulged!

    Had my post-op follow up appointment with the surgeon today and he says that I am healing well. He asked about exercise and I told him that I tried to walk a little each day.  He suggested cycling, although it's not the weather for it. I never thought that stomach removal would…

  • 221217 - Two weeks post op


    Two weeks ago now, 8th December, I was lying in ICU having spent 8 hours in OR. When I came round I was happy to hear that they had left me with 20% of my stomach. They had managed to perform the sub total gastrectomy by keyhole surgery which was a huge relief. My surgeon had told me that was the plan but also gave me the spiel about how things could change when they put the camera in for a look. I know that they have…

  • 071217 - Upcoming Gastrectomy


    Well, I've negotiated my way through 4 sessions of FLOT chemo. Next hurdle coming up is "the biggie"!  In four hours I'll be making my way to hospital and will undergo a gastrectomy tomorrow. Whilst I'm quite apprehensive about the surgery the worst moment was yesterday when I wrote a letter to my daughter incase the worst should happen! I'm trying to remain positive but it's the old adage "Prepare for the worst and hope…

  • CHEMO 4 - 071117


    After a two week holiday in Scotland I embarked on my fourth chemo session or "cocktail" as a fellow patient prefers to call it. Passed without incident other than the inevitable tiredness and the neuropathy. This is the last pre-op chemo.  On being discharged from hospital my oncologist gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek and said he was crossing his fingers for me.

    Met with the surgeon on Monday. I'll have…