Days 23,24,25,26

2 minute read time.

Treatments #17,18,19

Still going reasonably well with no escalation of any side-effects. Skin around treatment area a little redder and more tender, a little more hair loss, but nothing too drastic. Tongue now beginning to feel a little sore again, but this may be down to the fact I only had one day off this weekend. To make up for the bank holiday I had a Saturday appointment this week.

 The downside of it all is that there is now very little food I can taste now, so I am experimenting with different textures. Thursday brought about a trip to the supermarket to garner a range of sausages, as these had been the last food I had overtly enjoyed. Hoisin and ginger were the pick of the flavours we brought home. I also can slightly taste the peppery-ness of Cumberland, so these are in the basket, along with some smoked hot dogs.

In hindsight, I am sad to say that these do not taste strongly of anything. The only food I have enjoyed for a few days now has consisted mainly of eggs (fried, scrambled), toast (as a vehicle for transporting butter to my mouth) and milk shakes. I briefly rallied when the taste of brown sauce cut it for a day or two, but that has faded now.

Eating is a bit of a chore as halfway through any meal, I lose the will to chew any more.

My wife tries to keep me interested by mixing weird ice-cream based beverages, and to some extent these work. As thanks, she has to share a room with someone who has eaten baked beans and eggs twice today, (chortle) There is nothing wrong with my sense of smell yet, even I had to leave the room once.

Friday brought about a small surge in energy levels, as having decided that the replacement garage will now be built from concrete blocks, we visited a local builders merchant to price stuff up. Somehow, this became a transaction to buy 450 concrete blocks, a ton of sand and about a ton of other materials. Thanks, Wife, for having faith in my abilities as a builder. (I was a pub landlord and chef for most of my working life, and am currently a desk jockey). 

I can say that having been let down by a plasterer before my surgery, I did do a large wall in our living room purely by watching youtube and applying what I had seen.

Youtube however does not show the sweaty bits, as having been to my treatment on Saturday, we arrived home to find the delivery of 8 tons of material on our drive. In no particular order. I have spent most of Saturday, and half of Sunday shifting this stuff to the potential garage site, so that we can once again park the car. 

Thanks, internet, for nothing.
