Stacey's stem cell story

  • Day 4 - Did I have some wine??


    Woke up this morning feeling like I had a few glasses of wine last night (I wish) Head heavy and no appetite, feel my body slightly weaker but I'm still not bad

    Still managed to go for my walk and do my workout etc although I just want to lie down. 

    Haven't eaten much today, so was going to go to shop and buy something but there is not one thing I fancy, mum (AKA the feeder) has brought me scones and sandwiches…

  • Day 3 - Working out


    Three days done, three doses of chemo complete and I still feel pretty normal. 

    I don't know if I'm meant to be sick by now but I don't care, just grateful for the days I feel good. 

    Physio came to see me and I've got a daily workout to complete! 

    I've got some lung damage due to previous chemo and the physio explained that keeping the muscles working is the best thing for lungs and to prevent…

  • Day 2 - Cant complain


    So had my first dose of chemo yesterday. I was only hooked up for about an hour so can't complain. The routine is the same for next few days until I get a stronger chemo Monday and Tuesday, apparently I shouldn't feel too bad until then so happy days! 

    Apart from a slight headache this morning I feel great. Started on a load of medications, antibiotics, antiviral, anti sickness etc and have been given mouthwashes…

  • Here we go...the last hurdle


    So here we go, finally bit the bullet! 

    One year down the line after being diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma I'm finally in remission, took quite a lot of chemo but I got there and I'm feeling great. 
    The final hurdle now is an allo stem cell transplant to give me the best chances of staying cancer free.
    After much thought I've decided I want to share this part of my story and so here I am trying…