Stacey's stem cell story

  • Day 55 post transplant - Rollercoaster


    55 days from my transplant, feels like a lifetime ago yet the words I keep hearing are 'it's only early days' 

    My doctor tells me I'm doing really well and I suppose I am, but I want to run, jump about, go on a night out, go on a holiday and even go back to work! 
    I was over the moon coming home from hospital but I was in for a shock in the following weeks. Going up and down the stairs exhausted…
  • Day 22 - I'm coming home!!!!!!!!


    I bounced out of bed this morning! More energy than I ever remember, actually feel like a new person. 

    Nurse informed me neutrophils are 1.6! And other bloods coming along nicely too (happy days) Went for walk with physio, done some stairs and passed with flying colours,seen the dietician who assessed my weight and eating etc, passed with flying colours. 

    Consultant came to see me, said I've recovered very quickly and they…

  • Day 21- Growing growing growing....


    So yesterday I was informed by several staff that my neutrophils were 1.5! Everyone seemed so excited, saying it was brilliant news. I don't even know what half of it means but I was excited anyway and joined in with everyone else.

    Consultant informed me they would be stopping my booster injections (they kick start the stem cells) as the cells were growing very quick. 

    Managed to eat wee bit more, had some paracetamol…

  • Day 20 - Life and death


    Well on Saturday morning I woke up to the delights of hair all over my pillow, decided to get a shower and see what was really happening before I rushed into shaving it all off. Clumps fell out in my hand as I washed it, well that was my kind made up, hair was coming off asap!

    Rang my husband who was more than happy to come in and do the job (revenge for me shaving his while he was asleep a few years back!) 
  • Day 17 - Hanging in there.....


    The last few days have been really tough, mouth ulcers have became very intense and it's took a while to ensure I'm on correct doses of pain relief. 

    As from yesterday I haven't even been able to swallow anything, not even water, I just rinse my mouth in water and mouthwashes, I've been given more mouth washes etc by staff and although they do help a little, it's only very temporary and soon the pain comes back…