Nickodemus Journey

  • Day 3 after first rchop


    tired today after day at work - ditto for yesterday.  Interesting to see how Sunday works being first day with no steroids.  Bowels working ok with movicol - still a slight strain - but at least things are moving

    Finding it challenging to swallow down 95mg of steroids in form of 7 tablets plus iron tab plus the stomach protector plus the lysin thing to ensure waste flushed through kidneys

    On the whole still positive…

  • R, Chop day


    Ok - dear wife drove with me to hospital and stayed all day - always good as she asks all the awkward questions

    Sonia our nurse was excellent in explaining how the day would pan out and all the components of the treatment 

    She took her time to decide on my best vein (must be good as no bruising today) and hooked it all up.  The retuximab took hours as it goes in so slowly so as not to cause problems- gradually speeded…

  • Post pet scan Consultant chat


    Good news from consultant as the pets scan shows only one lymphoma in me!  Albeit still the 11cm mass - looks like I'm pregnant in the scan - such a large mass

    He went through how such a lymphoma is categorised given biopsy my age Health etc and came in at under 2 which is positive - he still has some concerns it's a double hit lymphoma which is a nastier version

    We discussed first chemo session this Tuesday…

  • Pet scan day


    Arrived at hospital for 09.10 scan - to be told that glucose isotope for the injection had failed a test: who knew! Apparently the isotope is made up in Guildford and then travels to my Bath destination

    Luckily the second delivery of isotope late morning was ok to use.  Me very hungry having had nothing since 6pm previous evening

    Had the isotope injected around 11 o'clock and then waited for it to infiltrate…

  • Day before pet scan


    Re reading all the paperwork to make sure I'm fully prepared 

    Drink lots of water, make sure all clothes are metal free (had to buy some ghastly joggers) get a book pile together

    Hope they run to time as daughter coming down to do more prep for her wedding in August- 

    I wonder if I'll have any hair and more to the point if I'll be fit enough for father of the bride speech?

    Wife wonderfully supportive…