Pet scan day

Less than one minute read time.

Arrived at hospital for 09.10 scan - to be told that glucose isotope for the injection had failed a test: who knew! Apparently the isotope is made up in Guildford and then travels to my Bath destination

Luckily the second delivery of isotope late morning was ok to use.  Me very hungry having had nothing since 6pm previous evening

Had the isotope injected around 11 o'clock and then waited for it to infiltrate - one hour to catch on reading - A Passage to India - somehow apt!

Painless injection and infiltration- then to the scan - fell asleep!  Woke up and after half hour scan had tea and biscuits & went home

Thanks to my wife for chauffeuring - fingers crossed results get to consultant for Friday pm consultation

Bath RUH very efficient and snazzy new radiology suite for the pre and post scan wait

Fingers crossed next steps 
