R, Chop day

Less than one minute read time.

Ok - dear wife drove with me to hospital and stayed all day - always good as she asks all the awkward questions

Sonia our nurse was excellent in explaining how the day would pan out and all the components of the treatment 

She took her time to decide on my best vein (must be good as no bruising today) and hooked it all up.  The retuximab took hours as it goes in so slowly so as not to cause problems- gradually speeded up - must have taken 4 hours?  But no problems at all.  She put my arm on a warm pad do the veins stayed large - clearly a good tip

The other elements whizzed by - we were in hospital about 8 hours - luckily we took books and there was TVs

Went home with about 5 different drugs- 95mg per day steroid, a anti nausea, one to protect stomach, odansetron, plus laxative if needed - I'll rattle

All well so far - planning on going to the office tomorrow
