The Butterfly Who Flapped Too Hard

  • A song

    For those who have read the rest of this blog, you'll have seen where I spoke about music and lyrics. Well, I heard another one tonight that I felt like sharing, as it was something I needed to hear and so I figured others might too.

    You can find the music here and the lyrics are as follows:

    "Feeling broken
    Barely holding on
    But there's just something so strong
    Somewhere inside me
  • The doctors never told me that!!!

    Has anyone not thought that yet?

    There are so many times over the last five years where something has happened and I've worried because the docs didn't tell me to expect it, or that it might happen, or the best one - the docs didn't know it could happen!

    The reason I bring it up? Well, I'm going personal again folks so you may want to avert your eyes!

    I've recently had a hysteroscopy…

  • Family - gotta love them. Right?

    Christmas time. The time when those you (usually) share genetics with are all shoved together regardless of likes and dislikes, and you're all supposed to get on. Because it's Christmas.


    This year, my youngest brother has moved back from overseas, so he was around. Usually I get on quite well with him, but he can sometimes be a pompous pr*ck who knows everything better than you do and refuses…

  • Cakes!

    So, as promised, here's a blog post about the charity fair that happened yesterday!

    Jumping back to last week, not the one just gone, I worked hard and cleared my kitchen, cleaned it all down, and did the same to my living room. It was hard work, and I ached all over, but it was gratifying. A friend of mine gave me an extract to try, and it's amazing! Where before I'd often needed an afternoon nap, or two, and just…

  • You couldn't make this up!

    Googlemuma, don't read this post. lol. It'll ruin the feel good vibes you got from the last post!

    So! The last blog post I did had me waiting for an appointment for a Hysteroscopy. Well, it turns out the doc put through the appointment as urgent, so I was seen yesterday for everything. The St James in Leeds really needs to update and decorate some of the older parts, because when you're used to the cancer wing…