Dealing with oesophageal cancer

  • It's been a while


    Turns out I haven't updated this blog for about 4 months. Wow.

    A lot has been happening... I had the pathology back which was pretty rubbish to be honest, 17 out of 19 lymph nodes positive (ouch) and an R1 resection. Doesn't bode well for a long term prognosis but I'm past worrying about that now. It's funny actually, how stressful I found the testing and biopsies and waiting waiting waiting for results pre…

  • A bit political


    I don't normally post stuff like this, but considering the current political climate, I feel compelled to share.
    So at the start of April my life was saved by having  entire stomach surgically removed and what is left of my oesophagus tied to my intestines. It's sore, really sore. I'm having to learn to eat and walk all over again, and at night I am fed through a tube in my stomach. I spent 6 days in intensive care…

  • Post op


    Just a very quick update to say I have had my stomach removed and I'm currently recuperating in the high dependency ward of Wishaw General Hospital. 

    I'm too zonked on morphine to write more for now. 

  • Won't have the stomach for this


    Well, I had my meeting with my consultant last week and thankfully they've decided to offer me surgery. As with all good news - I've discovered in the last few months - there's some bad news to go along with it: they have changed the plan from the usual Ivor Lewis surgery to a total gastrectomy... I'm getting my stomach removed! To further complicate matters, I have a large node near my pancreas which could cause them…

  • Stuff


    Well, it's been a while since I posted and that's mainly because I got some bad results in my scans which has led to me staying away from the site. 

    Anyway, my post chemo ct went great and I had about five days in a bubble of relief until my PET came back. Turned out there were some active areas on my back (as well as more lymph nodes being active in my abdomen within the resection margins). In my appointment…