Dealing with oesophageal cancer

  • Re-emerge into the paranoia


    Whoaft. Cycle 3 of the chemo knocked me for absolute six. I knew something was different when I started to feel nauseous while in the Beatson, and the last 6 days have seen me more or less swimming through soup. Nausea, tiredness, sleeping all the time. But today I finally feel like a human being again (and on the downside all the little anxieties and twinges and pains (definitely more cancer!) I'd been too out of it…

  • Busy week ahead


    It's all kicking off now.

     I was "happily" chugging along in my wee chemo bubble, enjoying the fact my swallowing has improved, trying not to worry about the nagging "full" feeling in my shoulder, the lymph nodes in my neck that didn't light up on the pet but have shrunk a little during chemo, the intermittent pain under my right ribs, the cough I've developed (I mean they can't all be cancer right?), when…

  • From October to now. Briefly


    I guess it's time I started to write about what has been happening to me since the world as I knew it ended at the end of October: not least that I'm now able to finger type oesophagus now as easily as I can type my own name. 

    I remember taking the news quite calmly in the endoscopy room. In the weeks leading up to the procedure I'd pretty much convinced myself what the diagnosis would be. Since I went…